Convicting the Innocent
DNA Exonerations Database

Cifizzari Gary

First NameCifizzari
Last NameGary
Year of Conviction1984
Year of Exoneration2019
Testing inculpated culpritCold Hit
State of ConvictionMassachusetts
Trial, Bench Trial, or Guilty PleaTrial
Type of CrimeMurder
Life / LWOP sentenceLife without parole
Gender of ExonereeMale
Race of exonereeWhite
Did the defendant testify at trial?Yes
Quotes from Exoneree Testimony

“Q: Did you do anything to hurt your Aunt Connie? A: I don’t understand that question. [Defense]: I can’t hear you, sir. A: No I didn’t. Q: Did you do anything to hurt your Aunt Connie? A: No I didn’t. I didn’t kill my aunt.”

Types of evidence at trial
  • Forensic Evidence
Type of Forensic Evidence
  • Bite Mark
Types of Flawed Forensics
  • Invalid
Brief Quote / Description of Testimony

“Forensic odontologist stated the opinion that a mold of Cifizzari’s teeth matched the tracing of the bite mark on the victim: “”I do believe that they are the same.”” Later using a slide projector of a phootograph of the model and the bitemark, stating “”the teeth on this yellow model of Gary Cifizzari’s upper jaw did make those marks within a reasonable degree of dental certainty.”” He also answered that “”there is a comparison within a reasonable degree of medical certainty that Gary Cifizzari’s upper jaw made the bite mark.”” And “the teeth of Gary Cifizzari were the teeth that inflicted both bitemarks, one on the leg and one on the stomach.”

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