Convicting the Innocent
DNA Exonerations Database

Sharif Wilson

First Name Sharif
Last NameWilson
Year of Conviction1994
Year of Exoneration2014
State of ConvictionNew York
Trial, Bench Trial, or Guilty PleaTrial (followed by plea)
Type of CrimeMurder
Death SentenceNo
Gender of ExonereeMale
Race of exonereeBlack
Types of evidence at trial
  • Confession
  • Informant
Were non-public facts alleged?Yes
Examples of Non-Public or Corroborated Facts and Inconsistencies

● Stabbed sleeping victim on couch ● Used steak knife with "a brown handle and ridges on the edge" ● Stabbed second victim in bedroom ● Moved one victim to couch in living room; corrected district attorney on which room one victim was in ● One victim punched in the face, consistent with autopsy ● Cords from radio, telephone and fan used to tie victims BUT – steak knives found t scene had no traces of blood and were very dull. According to autopsy, victims died from strangulation and not from stabbing. Statements concerning victims falling back asleep during the assault.

Quotes from law enforcement testimony

Detective testified that " after about five or ten minutes he told us the story." He admitted saying during the interrogation that "if he was lying to us and we found out he was lying, he was going to spend the rest of his life in jail"

Jailhouse informant, Co-defendant, Incentivized WitnessCD
Highest level reachedAppeal
Claims Raised During All Appeals and Postconviction
  • Coerced Confession
Citations to judicial opinions

People v. Wilson, 254 A.D.2d 316(N.Y.A.D. 1998)