Convicting the Innocent
DNA Exonerations Database

Douglas Echols

First NameDouglas
Last NameEchols
Year of Conviction1987
Year of Exoneration2002
State of ConvictionGeorgia
Trial, Bench Trial, or Guilty PleaTrial
Type of CrimeRape
Death SentenceNo
Gender of ExonereeMale
Race of exonereeBlack
Type of Innocence Defense
  • Alibi
Description / Quotes from Testimony Concerning Defense

● Witness testified to seeing both defendants away from the crime scene at the time the crime occurred.

Did the defendant testify at trial?Yes
Quotes from Exoneree Testimony

“Q: Did you commit the crimes you’re charged with? A: No sir.”

Types of evidence at trial
  • Eyewitness
  • Forensic Evidence
Type of Forensic Evidence
  • Serology
Types of Flawed Forensics
  • Valid (Non-probative)
Brief Quote / Description of Testimony

Spermatozoa detected but no further analysis conducted.

Identity of eyewitness
  • Intraracial Identificaiton
  • Victim
Lineup Procedures
  • Showup
Suggestive Procedures

No ● Show-up – but properly conducted shortly after the incident

Unreliable Identification?


Highest level reachedAppeal

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