Convicting the Innocent
DNA Exonerations Database

Leonard Callace

First Name Leonard
Last NameCallace
Year of Conviction1987
Year of Exoneration1992
State of ConvictionNew York
Trial, Bench Trial, or Guilty PleaTrial
Type of CrimeRape
Death SentenceNo
Gender of ExonereeMale
Race of exonereeWhite
Types of evidence at trial
  • Eyewitness
  • Forensic Evidence
Type of Forensic Evidence
  • Serology
Types of Flawed Forensics
  • No Transcript
  • Valid
Brief Quote / Description of Testimony

Analyst testified that the ABO type observed was consistent with the defendant

Identity of eyewitness
  • Intraracial Identificaiton
  • Victim
Highest level reachedState Post­ Conviction
Claims Raised During All Appeals and Postconviction
  • Jackson Claim
  • Motion for DNA Testing
  • Sentencing — Noncapital
  • Suggestive Eyewitness Identification
Harmless Error Rulings
  • G
Citations to judicial opinions

People v. Callace, 143 A.D.2d 1027 (N.Y. App. Div. 2 Dept. 1988)
People v. Callace, 573 N.Y.S.2d 137 (N.Y. Co. Ct. 1991)

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